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Email Marketing Database: every day a new deal

Welcome to the Email Marketing advent calendar! Until Christmas, every day a different offer, valid only for 24 hours. The promotions will include special discounts on databases of particular industries or geographic locations. Don’t wanna miss an offer? Follow us on  @bancomail_en or

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Christmas in November: a B2B marketing opportunity to plan ahead

Christmas shouldn’t be the prerogative of B2C brands only, which has always been highly active on the topic. Even the B2B marketers should rediscover the opportunities they have in this period. It’s not Christmas yet, but better get ready for those customers who will need your products or services to organize sales, events, special inflows… Read more »

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Email Marketing and Open Rate – is the email subject a good analysis parameter?

An effective subject is a very important element for the success of an Email Marketing campaign, that’s why best strategies always integrate an A/B testing and an accurate analysis of the few keywords that make it up. However, measuring the success of an email only by the number of openings resulting from the subject is… Read more »

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How to create your marketing personas and reach your Target Audience?

There are many ways to name them: buyer personas, marketing personas, target, customer type, public audience, audience, users, buyers and so on. These are abstract models created to represent the ideal customer. Their definition is useful to internalize the subject type to attract and relate. For many departments of a company, like marketing, content, sales… Read more »

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30% off on all Bancomail Database for five days only!

Get an extra 30% off on all Databases! Hurry up! This promotion is valid until this Friday using the code: B2B EMAIL MARKETING LISTS SUPPLY SINCE 2002. Bancomail is one of the largest database for email marketing. With more than 7.000.000 companies worldwide, we provide up to date, quality corporate registries with email addresses included. Our… Read more »