Are you an Email Marketing expert? Your passion is profiling your clients target and you know a lot about deliverability too?
You have a natural talent in identifying the number of indented tables into an email layout or in reinventing pizza flyers in responsive layout version? Do you wanna share your success on an Email Marketing action you’ve done for yourself or for a client?
If you’re in the Web Marketing business and you’re interested to publish your Guest Post on Bancomail’s Blog, then please go on with the reading and we’ll explain you what we’re looking for and how it works.
Why a Guest Post?
The main reason is ethical: writing on the web is an excellent opportunity to share your knowledge with the online community from which you’ve learned. The equation giving = receiving applies also in this case. If this were not enough, there are other good reasons to write a Guest Post:
- Promote your company to Bancomail customers looking for Web Agencies that support their marketing campaigns
- Make known your experience and your ideas
- Get the opportunity to establish new contacts
- Increase Link Popularity by applying the good old link exchange practice
Topics you can write about
This section is very important! Bancomail is the Neosoft unit created in 2001 for selling the most accurate and updated companies database, in support of B2B marketing activities of other companies. Will be easy for you to gather our Blog topics, we’re quite selective on the published content. Following is a list of the topics that we intend to approach in the actual editorial plan.
Key Categories | Hot Topics | |
If you think your ace in the hole is a topic not listed in this table, write to us anyway. If we consider that it may be suitable to Bancomail’s audience, we’ll be happy to publish it.
Publishing Guidelines
We are looking for contents that can inspire and teach our readers and customers the Email Marketing’s best practices, both entry and professional / advanced level.
To be approved and published, the topics must be unique and to treat Email Marketing issues with an informative, analytical, technical and / or practical profile.
Who can write on our Blog? The content’s publication is reserved to authorized Bancomail Partners, companies from the Marketing sectors, Communication, Advertising and Web Design that accept and comply with our policies.
If you’re not a Bancomail Partner, but your business is compatible with our program read all the advantages on our website. Being part of our Program is free.
How to submit your content? To apply, you don’t need to write first your article, you can start by introducing yourself and telling us what’s the topic you want to write about. Email us at [email protected]