Tilo Oschatz

Business Development - German-speaking and English-speaking countries

As a German he lived in Germany, Austria and Italy, working in the Logistics-, Pharma-. Electronics-, Software- and Tourism-Industry so far. Always looking for new challenges, always striving to optimize business processes. Optimized processes = less work = more free time = more time on his Mountainbike.

Permission Marketing and Email – The New Way to Seduce

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Bancomail Permission marketing

“Marketing” as a term has been around for several hundred years, and initially described the trade of goods and services. The actual term was derived from the Latin “mercatus”, which was used for a marketplace or merchant. In this sense, of course, “marketing” has existed for a very long time and only later the meaning… Read more »

The Birth of Email Marketing

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Bancomail Databases for Email Marketing

A new era and how it all began Worldwide, well over 300 billion emails are sent every day these days and likewise, email marketing continues to grow. Marketers love their email campaigns and email databases are guarded and nurtured. Almost everyone with an email account now receives promotional emails on a daily basis. But let’s… Read more »

Address validation – a decisive quality factor in email marketing

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Bancomail Databases for Email Marketing

The Email-address It sounds banal, it seems banal, it is banal … there are countless topics on the subject of email marketing, scientific papers, conjectures, theories, well-intentioned advice and tips – but there is one element in this game that is and should be without doubt the basis of all considerations, as banal as it… Read more »

The perfect database for your Email Marketing

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Bancomail Databases for email marketing

What you should keep an eye on when purchasing email lists Email marketing is undoubtedly an important component of marketing strategies, furthermore a popular and successful sales strategy in the B2B sector for acquiring new customers. In order to inform existing customers about news, email campaigns are also used to strengthen customer loyalty. Newsletter marketing… Read more »

How to write effective subject lines for your Cold Email Marketing

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Perfect subject lines for cold email

The subject line is the ticket to happiness Almost everyone knows it – the overflowing email inbox. In no time, it fills up with hundreds of often irrelevant e-mails. Monday, after the weekend, is particularly bad, spam from the weekend abounds. Standing out from the mass of these emails is the goal of every email… Read more »