Promote one of the largest B2B email marketing database
Know a business or a freelance that could benefit from Bancomail? We sell one of the largest database for Email Marketing, help them to find a better way of doing B2B Email Marketing. Join now and you’ll receive 5€ for every sign up and 5% for each sale your link delivered.
Getting started
You can participate in the program with up to 4 websites: every site have a range of banners or a text link. Embed one of this into your websites and you’re all set to earn commissions.
Register free to get your unique link »
A Program that rewards you immediately. And for ever
When a user clicks one of your link, he’ll be redirected to Bancomail’s website and associated with your account.
If the user buys in the following 30 days, you earn a commission on the first purchase and all the following ones. New sign ups also generate a 5€ reward. You can request the commission whenever you want.
Example: Ray click the banner on your website and decide to purchase a 500€ database, meantime creating an account. You receive a 30€ commission (5€ for the registration + 5% of his order). After three months, Ray returns on Bancomail and buys a new 1000€ database: you receive 50€. Whenever Ray buys, you make money. And that’s available for all your Relations!
Need a reason to promote Bancomail?
We’re helping businesses since 2002 – from small and medium size companies to large organizations – to reach their customers by providing targeted lists for email marketing.
Tailored target, in compliance with the privacy and deliverability guarantee: combine these elements with more than ten years of experience and you’ll understand why more than 7,000 clients trust us.