Nowadays almost every digitalised person is present on at least one social network. Information are posted quickly on Twitter, read and shared on Facebook. The social networks are considered the main source of daily news.

So why do the marketing experts continue to recommend the Email Marketing campaigns? Why to choose this strategy, when you can focus your attention and resources on your social media marketing plan?

First thing to know, is that email marketing is not an alternative to social strategies. Despite statistics report the success of the email in terms of global conversion, when the goal is to reach the widest audience possible, the combination of multiple channels and strategies become a basic choice.

In 2015, a survey conducted by ReachMail revealed that, 60.7% of the respondents have increased the budget for email marketing, while only 4.3% decreased it. 50% of the respondents have planed to invest more in social media, compared to 5.1% which intends to reduce their investments.

Such choices are not mutually exclusive, but together can be very valuable. Based on ReachMail’s result, the revenue of each email is about $ 12.41, while sharing on social networks it’s around $ 5. It’s clear that the first one, can help the second one to increase its effectiveness, benefiting from this one to increase its capacity.

Most of us still prefer the email. In any case, studies reported that prospects and customers prefer to hear from brands via email, because unlike social networks, where news are re-proposed several times and all at once, through email is easier to control, read and manage the information. Besides, we all have an email, even those who are not present on social networks. It’s obvious that the email marketing is a channel that can reach a wider audience.

Loyalty and trust are two aspects that rather prevail in the email that with socials. It’s very simple to click a button on social networks to be updated, but when a user accept advertising materials from a brand, declares a sincere and honest interest in those products or services. A real connection that represents a value for the brand.

Email marketing allows you to send different messages at the same time. If the social marketing can be considered a common communication tool (except for pay per click strategies), email marketing allows you to deliver multiple messages at the same time and from the same sender. Based on the user’s history (clicks, readings, interactions in general) and its demographic characteristics, the company can choose to deliver communications that differ both in content and the promoted product. This profiling makes the difference between an open and clicked message and a deleted one.

An example of what a combination of social media and email marketing can create comes from a 2015th Sony Vaio summer campaign (source: Econsultancy). The email campaign, which through the “pin it” button aimed to consolidate the brand on Pinterest with an audience that cares about the design and functionality, has generated 3,000 clicks, overtaking the goal of the campaign of 172%. The “pin it” button was also incorporated into transactional emails (especially the confirmation ones). These emails, whose awareness is even bigger, had a 70% open rate, with a 18% click-through rate.

This example teaches us that although each channel does his best on the features for which is known, the integration of all the tools ensure great benefits from each strategy’s quality.

Email Marketing and Social Media Marketing give their best when they work in sync, not when they compete with each other. Email can be considered as a tool that helps the message to assess also in social networks. Bancomail’s database provides records with an accurate and comprehensive company profiling that allows targeted and efficient marketing actions.