Email marketing seems easy (and somehow, it is): creating a newsletter is very simple, especially today with drag and drop tools provided by the most email marketing solutions, but a successful strategy with a significant ROI, should face a number of challenges.

1 – Create an acquisition strategy

Before launching your first Email Marketing Campaign, your priority should be the acquisition of new contacts with a wide-ranging profiling, in order to increase your prospect database. You can start by analyzing the Brand’s context: where potential customers mainly interact with the company? Who they are and which characteristics set them apart?

This analysis will be useful both for companies who want to start an acquisition campaign, as for those who want to get prospect lists quickly (did you know that Bancomail can provide targeted lists based on the company’s profiling?).

2 – Don’t point to a single goal.

The strategic plan doesn’t just refer to final goal, also takes care to show all the steps that can lead to that result, which can be not immediate, but characterized by the prospect’s choices. If you’ve properly done the acquisition step, now you should be able to identify the actions and the best places for your marketing campaign.

3 – The data you have should contain a lot of (relevant) information.

Review periodically your user’s records to ensure that your messages are targeted. Your email marketing strategy should not include batch and blast messages, you shouldn’t send the same email to your entire list, without analysing user profiling and behavioral data.

Using simple data like geographic location and product profiling, can greatly improve redemption. Following the first mailing, you’ll began to have user-behavior statisctics for sending further targeted campaigns.

4 – Customizing (always) doesn’t mean to use (only) the Name field.

Each person appreciates when the messages addressed to him are personalized and match its expectations. Of course, knowing your reader’s name is a great start, but the “Hello name” times have passed.

Today, the most important aspect in Email Marketing is the relationship, so try to know your prospect through its interactions with your email and your website, for example through his purchase history.

Adding customized content to your newsletter, can improve conversion rates by 15/25% and CTR by 25/35%.

5 -Optimizing your email for mobile is extremely important and it’s not a choice.

According a Return Path research, there is a big disadvantage for emails that are not optimized for mobile devices: 63% of respondents said that they immediately delete those emails. Optimize them from the beginning: in this way, your readers will know that wherever they are, they can always count on responsive emails / usable interfaces.

Remember that the Email Marketing strategy should be studied before its implementation, but that doesn’t mean it’s better to postpone it and waiting for a solution. Start with some good ideas and your first results will certainly encourage further improvements.