We’ve all been there! – You meet a friend and he is full of enthusiasm and anticipation because he has heard a ‘bombastic joke’ and absolutely has to tell us about it. He starts off in a lively manner, with exuberant gestures and facial expressions to create tension. Our expectations grow and grow. But then… Read more »
Another one of those days at the office, tough, boring and tiring. Not exactly what you want, but they do exist. In addition, there are countless emails to deal with, each one more frustrating than the last, literally torture. But then it happens … BOOM … all of a sudden you are awakened from your… Read more »
The Beginning of a New Era Email marketing thrives on personalization – individual emails, perfectly tailored to the target group or segment, are effective and lead to the best results. Most marketers will have experienced this. Customers and readers have a wide variety of ideas, requirements, wishes and needs and in order to be successful,… Read more »
Psychology is every marketer’s friend, as it can be used to understand or even favorably influence the behavior of potential customers, as we have already discussed in detail in our blog article “The psychological triggers for email click-throughs“. However, there is a psychological phenomenon that has not yet been mentioned, but is quite unusual and… Read more »
Time is precious! Everybody would agree that this statement is absolutely right. This is also valid when speaking about email marketing. But why does it matter? Email Marketing itself is an extremely important and even growing part of marketing measures in general. It reached already a very high daily volume but the number of sent… Read more »