Hello September! Looking forward to new beginnings!
Since March 12, 2020, we have kept a strongly reduced price for the purchase of Databases and Lists for Email Marketing, thus first supporting the needs of companies in difficulty and now a new re-start.
Today Bancomail switches to the second phase of the “Covid19 Business Aid” Facilitation: all lists for Email Marketing can be purchased at 30% off.
With 2020 as challenging as we could never have predicted, and after a summer that has been our proof, today – despite the always high level of attention – we think the market is ready to think about the future and new normality.
Every successful strategy is based on the right data and the ability to intercept and communicate to your target audience.
The decision to support the economic recovery through Email Marketing had a great impact: the latest trends show an average increase in the open rate of 25% week on week, a confirmation that this strategy represents one of the most effective ways to reach your target.
In the post-Covid19 business era, with the transformation of digital habits, Email Marketing will continue to play a key role in establishing and strengthening bonds with prospects.