Stefano Orengo

From the world of journalism to the one of the database is certainly not a small step, but Stefano know how to combine these two dimensions with care and precision, ensuring the accuracy of our records. If he just stop talking about Football...

Buy email lists, when and why it’s convenientBuying email lists is a popular solution, but what results can be achieved? Is the purchase really worth it?

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Email marketing is part of every company’s marketing omnichannel strategies. Whether through lists built in house or purchased, it is essential to use emails to build good relationships with old customers and seek for new ones. But is purchasing an email list really worth it? Under the right conditions, the answer is surely yes.

Email Marketing For Sports Teams and Industry

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The main purpose of email marketing is to involve and engage readers on initiatives and activities of the company that runs the campaign. Such communications are aimed to inform, educate or sell, but whatever the reason, email marketing is still one of the best ways to use the web to expand your own business and brand…. Read more »