The competitive level to attract your recipient’s attention is very high, so creating compelling content is only a part of the job. On one hand you should create valuable emailswhich improve the communication level and deliverability, on the other hand you should consider segmentation an apparently simple but extremely powerful mechanism that allows you to… Read more »
CPM, PPC, CPC vs Cold Email Marketing or the advantages of Cold Email Marketing and why it is not a bad idea. The world of online advertising can be complicated, sometimes even biased. There are many marketing channels and each has its own pros and cons. For a startup can be incredibly difficult to choose… Read more »
Black Friday in Bancomail means: 50% off on all Email Lists! Think forward about your Email Marketing: this exclusive promotion ends on Monday! Bancomail is one of the largest database for Email Marketing. With more than 8.000.000 companies worldwide, we provide up to date, quality corporate registries with email addresses included. Our data are contractually… Read more »
Halloween and Email Marketing are a perfect match. Email is one of the most productive marketing channels: 86% of a Hubspot B2B research (2018) respondents states that it remains the favorite channel for commercial communications and 89% of marketers interviewed by a Mailigen search stated that email is the main channel to acquire Lead Generation…. Read more »
Email Marketing is a fundamental part of the multi-channel communication strategies. It has the power to create engagement with new users and retention with already acquired customers or prospects. Campaign Monitor has collected in an infographic called “24 Email Marketing Stats You Need to Know” everything that serves to convince you that the Email Marketing… Read more »